Services & Plans

Our Services

Our Best Services

We’re BSK, and we write like a boss.

We know you have a lot on your plate—and we can help. We can handle your content writing needs, from blog posts to ebooks. We’ll get it done quickly and make sure it’s beautifully written and totally on point.

Content Writing

Content writing is a part of the marketing world that is truly in a state of constant change. It has to be because the world of content writing is one where you can’t just put out one blog post and expect it to do all the work for you.
You need to constantly update your content to stay relevant, fresh, and engaging. That means your business needs someone who can write new content on a regular basis. If you have an idea for a blog post or other piece of digital content that you want to be written, we can help!

Brand Consulting Service

BSK Content Writing, a digital marketing consultant, we specialize in providing Brand Consulting Service to help businesses improve their marketing strategies and create effective content that resonates with their target audience. Our team of digital marketing consultants will work with you to understand your business’s unique needs and goals and provide tailored solutions to help you achieve your marketing objectives. We offer various services, including market research, competitor analysis, content creation, and marketing plan development, all designed to help you reach your target audience and achieve your business goals.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a website from search engines via “natural” (unpaid) search results.
We write content that keeps your customers coming back for more, and we do it all with a focus on your target audience’s needs.
We’ll get to know your business inside and out so that we can produce the kind of online content that will make people want to become part of it. We’ll do this through keyword research and an understanding of what makes your company unique. Once we’ve got that down, we’ll start writing amazing content that will put your company in front of potential customers—and keep them coming back for more!

Social Branding

Digital content is more than just a way to get your message out there. It’s an opportunity to build a relationship with your audience.
When you create content, think about the people who will see it. What do they want from you? What would make them feel like they want to engage with you?
Think about what kind of tone you want to strike—a friendly one or something more serious. Are you trying to sell something or just inform people about something?
The BSK content writing team has a passion for helping businesses succeed. We’re passionate about our client’s success, and we use that passion to bring you the very best in content. We know your customers are on social media, so we make sure our work is targeted to those channels. And we know that great content comes from great research, so we conduct thorough market research before creating a single piece of content.

Ebook Writing

Do you have a book in your head but haven’t quite found the time to write it yet?
Are you tired of seeing other people’s books published before yours?
Well, we can help! We offer ebook writing services that are affordable and easy to use. All we need is an outline from you, and we’ll take care of the rest!
You’ve got a great idea for a book but don’t know where to start or how to get it done. We’ve written ebooks for businesses, writers, and individuals alike. Our writers are trained in writing ebooks according to specific styles so that your finished product looks polished and professional.
We can write your book in any genre: fiction or nonfiction, personal memoirs, or business self-help guides—you name it! You tell us what type of book you want us to write, and our team will take care of the rest.

Email Writing

Writing an email isn’t as easy as it looks.
Writing the kind of email that gets results takes a lot of time, effort, and focus. Not to mention all of the back-and-forths with your client to make sure they’re happy with what you’ve written!
But we get it—you don’t have time to deal with all of that. And we’re here to help.
Our email writing service gives you access to a team of professional writers who can write emails on any topic for you: sales, support, marketing… whatever you need!
We’ll make sure that your emails are engaging and informative enough to get people excited about your product or service—and inspire them to take action.

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Birmingham, United Kingdom




Work Hours

Everyday 08:00 AM – 18:00

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Choose Your Plan

Are you looking for a content writer who can provide you with quality content?

BSK Content Writing is the solution! We offer various writing services that can help you with all your writing needs. Please select from the following plans to learn more about our services and how we can help you reach your goals.

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